GMO news related to Australia

25.07.2011 |

CSIRO GE wheat trials to ’forge ahead’

GREENPEACE has been widely castigated and condemned for destroying scientific trials of Genetically Modified wheat at CSIRO facilities in Canberra last week, using a whipper snipper, but scientists conducting the trials have vowed to push on. CSIRO plant industry chief, Jeremy Burdon, said the data from the Canberra GM wheat trial had been compromised and would now have to be re-started next year. But he said research into the technology would forge ahead despite the damage caused by Greenpeace.

21.07.2011 |

Western Australian GM canola cannot be sold due to quality problems

THE 49,000 tonnes of genetically modified canola grown in WA last year remains unsold due to grain quality issues connected to the severe drought and not market rejection of biotechnology, as suggested last week by WA Greens MLC, Lynn MacLaren. WA Agriculture Minister, Terry Redman, has described Ms MacLaren’s disingenuous suggestion as being either a deliberate misrepresentation of the issue or a demonstration of her lack of grain’s industry knowledge.

21.07.2011 |

Heated GE crop debates in Australia

GREENPEACE have finally crossed the credibility line in Australia, moving past the point of no return, after irresponsible activists dressed in theatrical costumes and destroyed valuable scientific Genetically Modified wheat trials at CSIRO facilities in Canberra last week. [...] Following such a blatant attack on approved scientific process and the Australian government, and the taxpayers our elected office bearers represent, the multinational Greenpeace can no longer be seen as a credible, peaceful charitable organisation, working to protect the planet’s future and must be held to full account – not just those who committed the GM wheat vandalism.

21.07.2011 |

Greenpeace’s offices in Sydney raided

POLICE have raided Greenpeace’s head office in Sydney after some of the environmental group’s members destroyed a genetically modified wheat crop in Canberra last week. Shortly before noon today, police ”raided and locked down” the office in Ultimo, Greenpeace’s head of campaigns, Steve Campbell, said. ”We are assisting the police with their inquires and they didn’t make any arrests,” he said.

18.07.2011 |

CSIRO GM crop attacked by Greenpeace had “negligible” risk

The crop of genetically modified wheat destroyed by Greenpeace activists in Canberra today was rated by the federal government regulator of genetically modified organisms as posing a “negligible” risk to either people or the environment. This is in contrast to Greenpeace’s claims that the crop consisted of “untested and potentially unstable GM organisms”. The crop was part of a CSIRO study of wheat and barley genetically modified to suppress the function of endogenous genes resulting in an altered starch compositions.

18.07.2011 |

Greenpeace Q & A on Australian GM wheat trial action

Greenpeace activists have taken non-violent direct action to stop Australia’s environment and food supply from being contaminated by genetically modified wheat. The GM wheat that has been released across Australia has not been proven safe. It hasn’t been tested for toxic and allergic effects. All evidence shows that GM wheat cannot be contained; it will contaminate our food supply and the environment.

The Australian Government has refused to protect Australians from harm caused by the release of unsafe genetically modified wheat. GM organisms are living organisms that can multiply and cross-breed. They pose a threat of irreversible damage to Australia’s environment and our food supply. Greenpeace has taken action to prevent contamination of our food supply and environment.

14.07.2011 |

Greenpeace protestors destroy Australian GM wheat trial

Greenpeace protesters have broken into a CSIRO experimental farm in Canberra to destroy a crop of genetically modified wheat. In the early hours of this morning a group of Greenpeace protesters scaled the fence of the CSIRO experimental station at Ginninderra in the capital’s north. Greenpeace says activists were wearing Hazmat protective clothing and were equipped with weed string trimmers. They say the entire crop of genetically modified wheat has been destroyed. About half a hectare of GM wheat is being grown on the site, as part of Australia’s first outdoor trials. No genetically modified wheat strain had ever been approved for cropping in Australia before.

13.07.2011 |

Greenpeace “deceitful” in anti-GM campaign say Australian biotech research and industry bodies

Greenpeace is being accused of trying to make money out of a report which is scathing of genetically modified wheat trials. [...] The CSIRO says it’s confident it’s complied with appropriate processes to identify and deal with potential conflicts of interest. The Grains Research and Development Corporation says the Greenpeace findings are “garbage”, saying GM doesn’t pose risk to health or the environment. Chairman Keith Perrett says the environmental lobby group’s being “deceitful”. “It is misleading the Australian consumer,” he said.

07.07.2011 |

GM wheat a threat to farmers: Greenpeace

Australian wheat farmers stand to lose billions of dollars if the CSIRO’s trials of genetically modified wheat are allowed to continue, Greenpeace says. A report by the environmental group accuses the government research organisation of “serious oversights” when it comes to managing the risks of its field trials currently taking place across the country. “The economic implications of GM wheat are dire,” Greenpeace spokeswoman Laura Kelly said in a statement on Thursday.

04.07.2011 |

CSIRO rejects to process freedom of information request on GE wheat trials

Greenpeace [...] lodged a bid with the CSIRO for all documents relating to nutritional testing the science body had conducted, or intended to conduct, on pigs, rats or humans on foods produced by genetically modified organisms. Last week, the CSIRO’s freedom of information officer rejected the bid, saying she had identified 1042 documents relating to the request. The officer estimated it would take one person 539 hours to process them, which was an ”unreasonable” diversion of resources and not in the public interest.
