GMO news related to Australia

02.06.2010 |

Tomorrow’s table - GE crop promoters show why Monsanto’s data untrustworthy

Since WA ag minister, Terry Redman, told our WA MADGE the book ”contains guidance to help the public distinguish rumours from high quality science.” MADGE decided to rate the GM canola Monsanto material, that FSANZ used for their food approval, against the checklist in Chapter 6 of the book [”Tomorrow’s Table”].

02.06.2010 |

Australian farmers question GE canola benefits

Ricky Miles used it on his property in the far western Wimmera for the first two years it was allowed. But he has chosen not to use it this year because of the costs involved. ”Firstly, there are the licence fees you have to pay to grow it, there is the cost of the seeds, there is the risk of Roundup resistance developing and I found I had to spray two applications of Roundup to knock off the weeds.” Miles also found there was no increase in crop yields

28.05.2010 |

Australia monitors US glyphosate woes

AUSTRALIAN farmers need to manage glyphosate rotations carefully to avoid the problems emerging in the United States, where glyphosate tolerant genetically modified (GM) crops have led to an over-reliance on the cheap and popular herbicide. As a result of the over-use of glyphosate, there has been a string of resistance problems, causing chaos among the farming community.

28.05.2010 |

Greens and Labor fail to ban GM canola plantings in Western Australia

ANOTHER disallowance motion designed to prevent Genetically Modified canola being grown in WA, was defeated in State Parliament last week. The defeat will ensure the controversial crop can now be produced commercially for the first time in WA this season [...] The Greens and Labor put forward the Legislative Council motion but it was eventually beaten 19 against to 14 for, drawing strong criticism in the process.

12.05.2010 |

Australia’s sugar industry may need GE cane for survival

AUSTRALIA’S sugar production capacity will need to expand if the country is to remain relevant on the world stage. Alan Winney, chairman of Queensland Sugar Limited (QSL), which is responsible for more than 90 per cent of Australia’s sugar exports [...] also said genetically modified cane would need serious consideration with research highlighting its potential for increased yields.

07.05.2010 |

Western Australian Government cleared the way to grow Monsanto’s RR canola

Agriculture Minister Terry Redman said he was pleased the disallowance motion moved by Labor to block farmers’ access to GM canola was defeated. ”Farmers who choose to plant GM canola this season can do so with confidence,” he said.

Mr Redman said last year’s trials proved GM and non-GM canola can be segregated and marketed separately.

21.04.2010 |

CSIRO (Australia) develops highest yielding salt tolerant non-GE wheat

In a major breakthrough for wheat farmers in salt-affected areas, CSIRO researchers have developed a salt tolerant durum wheat that yields 25 per cent more grain than the parent variety in saline soils. Recent field trials in northern New South Wales proved that durum wheat varieties containing new salt tolerant genes outperformed the other varieties in saline soils.

20.04.2010 |

Western Australian GE canola growers can reap benefits if following guidelines

Western Australian growers who have received sufficient rain may be able to reap the benefits of seeding canola early this year, and information is available to help guide their planting decisions. [...] Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) western panel chairman Neil Young said the GRDC and its research partners have funded a number of publications which can help farmers planning to plant canola in coming weeks.

20.04.2010 |

EU won’t buy Western Australian GM canola

PREMIER Colin Barnett has been accused of hiding damaging letters from European grain traders in the lead up to last month’s vote on genetically modified crops, which state that they would not be willing to buy grain from Western Australia if GM crops are grown. According to anti-GM lobby group Gene Ethics, in a letter dated February 26, three European grain traders told Mr Barnett they would not buy WA grain if GM canola is grown.

09.04.2010 |

GM foods rejected elsewhere to be approved in Australia

GENETICALLY engineered foods using technologies that have been rejected in Europe and India due to health concerns are to be approved for sale in Australia. [...] Based on testing data provided by the producers - Monsanto and DSM Food Specialties - the agency said it found no cause for safety concerns.
