GMO news related to Australia

03.07.2009 |

Scientists risk becoming ’PR hacks’

Leach supports the role of science media centres, which help scientists to contribute their informed opinion to public debates. She sees this as quite different from teaching scientists the tools of public relations. ”Of course they can talk about what they’re doing, but why train them up as PR hacks,” says Leach, who has written an article on framing in a recent edition of Issues Magazine. Leach says scientists already ”spin” their work to funders and to their peers within science.

01.07.2009 |

Blue Mountains City (Australia) may become GM-free zone

One of the first councils to consider pulling it from shelves is about to vote on a damning report that calls for genetically modified (GM) crops to be scrapped in the area and for stringent new labelling laws on packaging. Scientists maintain genetically modified foods are safe. But the Looking After People GM Food Production report, which is before Blue Mountains City Council, recommends banning crops and lobbying the Federal Government to bring in mandatory labelling. If the report is adopted formally, the Blue Mountains would become a GM-free zone.

24.06.2009 |

Genetically modified food will be ’on shelves by 2015’ in Australia

There were major health benefits to be had from GM crops. ”There are literally billions of people in the world, in both developed and developing countries, surprisingly, who are suffering from major diseases which result from changes in our lifestyle,” [...] ”The good thing is we should be able to reduce their bad effects by optimising the nutritional value of our major foods. This tie-up between agriculture and health is an important step in value adding to our commodity grains,” [former chief scientist of Australia, Dr Jim Peacock] said.

20.06.2009 |

Promising anti-HIV microbicide can be produced by GE plants

Scientists have developed an anti-HIV microbicide that can be mass-produced in plants — in quantities large enough to make it affordable for people in developing countries, they say. The microbicide, which has been found to prevent HIV transmission in cells, is a combination of two promising microbicide compounds — monoclonal antibody b12 and the protein cyanovirin-N.

18.06.2009 |

GM canola up as protests continue in Western Australia

THE Organic Growers Association of WA (OGAWA) staged a silent vigil on the steps of Parliament House last week, to voice their concerns against the growing of genetically modified (GM) canola in WA this year. OGAWA vice-president Dr Maggie Lilith, said her organisation’s members were extremely upset and angry about the GM plantings. She said they were gravely concerned about being exposed to GM contamination and faced the potential loss of their organic accreditation because of the controversial canola crops.

16.06.2009 |

Western Australian Minister denies trade with Japan threatened by GM canola

Western Australia’s $800 million agri-business trade is not at risk from trials of genetically modified canola despite opposition claims, WA Agriculture Minister Terry Redman says. Emails from WA’s trade office in Japan reveal agri-business trade with Japan could be at risk if genetically-modified crops are introduced in the state, the WA opposition says.

The emails were obtained by opposition trade minister Mark McGowan through a freedom of information request.

16.06.2009 |

GM canola profits ’exaggerated’ in Western Australia

A report on genetically modified canola from a State Government appointed reference group shows that touted economic benefits to farmers have been exaggerated, opponents of the technology say. Network for Concerned Farmers spokeswoman Julie Newman said the report showed there was no financial advantage in using the technology. WA’s first commercial trials of GM canola have been planted across 20 sites over 850ha. Proponents of Roundup Ready canola hope it will help manage weeds, give them another crop option and improve profits.

26.05.2009 |

Victoria (Australia) forges global alliance with Dow AgroSciences for crop innovation

Victoria has forged a global alliance with Dow AgroSciences for crop innovation, Minister for Innovation of Victoria Gavin Jennings announced today at BIO2009 in Atlanta. The research partnership will see Victoria strengthen its position as a leader in agricultural biotechnology as scientists in Australia and the USA work together to develop new plant traits and plant varieties for Victorian and international farmers.

25.05.2009 |

Western Australian fasting protest a show of anti-GM sentiment

WILLIAMS, WA, canola farmers Jo Fowler, Janette Liddelow, Margie Haddrick and Catherine Higham staged a protest against the growing of Genetically Modified (GM) canola in WA on the steps of Parliament House last week. The protest involved a two day fasting vigil, with the ladies urging Agriculture Minister Terry Redman to abort the GM canola trials that will be grown across about 850 hectares this year, on three research stations and 17 WA farms.

22.05.2009 |

GMO ban bill passed in Tasmania (Australia)

Tasmania's ban on the release of genetically modified organisms to the environment will continue for at least another five years under a Bill passed by Parliament today. The Minister for Primary Industries and Water, David Llewellyn, said today that the State's GMO-free status is a key factor in the Tasmanian Brand. ”Tasmania's GMO-free status is a vital factor for our primary producers, helping them realise their full potential in international and interstate markets,” Mr Llewellyn said.
