GMO news related to Australia

18.11.2008 |

Australian canola trials biased to show GE success

Media has focussed on Andrew Weidermann’s GM trials in Victoria but these trials were manipulated to favour GM. The non-GM varieties could not perform to their full potential because standard weed control was avoided. [...] As GM and Clearfield hybrids were compared to non-hybrid TT varieties, it is expected that early vigour would be far better. It is of surprise that some RR hybrid varieties rated the same lack of early vigour as non-hybrid TT varieties.

18.11.2008 |

Testing time for GE canola contamination in Victoria (Australia)

AN anti-genetically modified canola lobbyist has urged Wimmera growers worried about GM contamination to test crops. Cropwatch and Network of Concerned Farmers member Jessica Harrison will test GM canola roadside plants and crops in the Wimmera for GM contamination after the coming GM canola harvest. Ms Harrison was in the Wimmera yesterday to alert Wimmera growers to the availability of a GM test kit.

18.11.2008 |

No research on effects of GM crop management on pests in Australia

According to ecological geneticist Dr Andrew Weeks from the University of Melbourne, there has been no research in Australia on the impact of how the management of GM crops will affect pests. ”It’s one of weak points at this stage of the whole GM debate,” he says. [”...] any new insecticidal transgene incorporated into crop plants must be thoroughly tested on a range of organisms and ecosystems,” the researchers write.

14.11.2008 |

West Australian government accused of caving in to GM lobby

The West Australian government today announced it would lift a moratorium on the commercial production of GM cotton in the East Kimberley region’s Ord River Irrigation Area in the state’s north. Conservation Council director Piers Verstegen said the government had succumbed to pressure from the GM industry, despite community concerns.

10.11.2008 |

First GM canola crop delivered to silo in New South Wales (Australia)

THE first genetically-modified canola crop has been delivered into a silo in NSW, Monsanto Australia announced. Parkes farmer Graham Barron, who delivered his Roundup Ready canola crop to a silo at Grenfell this week, said in a statement issued by Monsanto that he was impressed by the results and with the supply chain processes.

10.11.2008 |

Australian farmers could face prosecution over GM canola

A growing number of Australian farmers who have signed on to grow genetically modified canola have begun to express growing concerns as to the ”onerous” obligations they are exposing themselves to. [...] The contract, as exposed in the Canberra Times recently, signifies that if the land is sold, contractual obligations are passed on to the new owner for up to two years after they have signed on the dotted line. The onerous liability in this situation means that the new owner could be liable for any breaches of the contract incurred by the previous owner.

03.11.2008 |

Fears hay-cutting will lead to escape of GM canola in Australia

There are worries that the hay from genetically modified canola may contain seeds that will escape and grow. A lack of rain has forced some farmers to cut their crops, instead of harvesting for oilseeds. Fodder dealers may purchase the hay and then sell it to farmers who are unaware where the product came from. Alex Schaap, general manager of biosecurity at the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, says he didn’t expect segregation issues in the first year of GM canola in NSW and Victoria.

03.11.2008 |

Strong support for rally against GM crops in Western Australia surprises backers

A RALLY against the introduction of genetically modified crops drew nearly 1000 people to the steps of the WA Parliament today, organisers have claimed. Farmers attending brought along goats, chickens and even a prize-winning bull, the Conservation Council of WA said.

It said their message was that GM crops not only risked WA’s reputation as a clean, green state but might also have consequences for human health.

28.10.2008 |

Australian Banana Growers Council oppose GE bananas

”We don’t believe the Australian consumer is ready to take onboard and buy and be satisfied with a GM-based banana,” [Tony Heidrich from the Australian Banana Growers Council] said. ”Until such time where we believe there is market acceptance out there, then we would not support its commercialisation.”

28.10.2008 |

Australian-first GM grass trial to start

Genetically modified pasture grass that is more nutritious and easier for stock to digest is set to be trialled in Victoria in an Australian first. Field trials of up to 500 lines of grasses will start in Hamilton, in western Victoria, following approval from the Federal Gene Technology Regulator. The trials will be undertaken by the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) and the grasses will not be commercially released.
