GMO news related to India

26.03.2012 |

Vidarbha (India) farmers and widows to ’mourn’ decade of Bt cotton

”Tomorrow, thousands of farmers and farmland widows shall protest in various towns and villages across Vidarbha against BT Cotton, which failed in 400,000 hectares since 2005 and in 4.20 million hectares this year,” Vidarbha Jan Andolan Samiti chief Kishor Tiwari told IANS. [...] Farmers will gather in two of the worst suicide-prone villages - Hiwara and Bothbudan - demanding suspension of all commercial trials of BT Cotton in the dry regions of the Vidarbha region of eastern Maharashtra and banning GM cotton in the country. ”Vidarbha is a classic example of a wrong selection of GM technology in dry regions since BT Cotton requires proper irrigation facilities that are lacking here,” Tiwari pointed out.
