GMO news related to India

07.04.2014 |

India: Punjab starts selling unapproved cotton seeds

The Punjab government has started selling genetically modified (GM) cotton seeds that have never been field tested in Pakistan and approved for commercialisation.

01.04.2014 |

India: Karnataka bans Bt cotton seeds following crop failures

It is finally out in the open. Bt cotton has failed miserably to deliver in Karnataka. Following large-scale crop failure on a whopping 58,195 hectares (ha) in seven districts in the state, the state agriculture department has finally taken the decision to bar Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company (Mahyco) from selling Bt cotton seeds till further order.

01.04.2014 |

India: The trials of making modified crops a reality

The environment ministry might have approved field trials for 11 genetically-modified crops, but several hurdles remain before these crops become a commercial reality. For one, the trials cannot be held without the approval of the states

26.03.2014 |

India GM field trials: Regulator proposes but most states decline

The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) has approved field trials for 11 crop varieties but that clears only the first hurdle in the way of genetically-modified crops. Another major hitch could come from state governments, most of which do not seem to be in a mood to give their go-ahead anytime soon.

24.03.2014 |

India: Field trials of 10 Genetically Modified crops approved

The country’s apex regulator on genetically modified (GM) crops on Friday has given its nod for field trials of 10 crops in the wake of Environment Minister M Veerappa Moily removing a hurdle imposed by his predecessor Jayanthi Natarajan.

05.03.2014 |

India Is Capitulating to the GM Biotech Industry & GMO Crops Destroying Agriculture

Can genetically modified (GM) food crops be kept out of India? Things seemed positive when, as Environment Minister, Jairam Ramesh put a moratorium on GM eggplant (BT Brinjal). However, he has now been replaced. Veerappa Moily, India’s Oil Minister, is now also India’s new Environment Minister. Oily has approved field trials of 200 GM food crops on behalf of companies like Monsanto, Mahyco, Bayer and BASF. Monsanto’s shares surged by 77 percent as soon as Moily’s decision was announced.

03.03.2014 |

India: No field trial of GM crops in Kerala

Field trials of genetically modified (GM) food crops would not be permitted in the State under any circumstances, said Minister for Agriculture K.P. Mohanan. The Minister made the statement in the wake of the approval given by the Union Environment Ministry for the decision of the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) to permit field trials of GM crops, including rice, wheat, and maize. At the same time, Environment Minister M. Veerappa Moily also clarified that the field trials would be subject to consent of the respective State.

27.02.2014 |

India: GM Varieties Set to Boost Mustard Oil Production

Mustard oil production in India is expected increase considerably in the coming years. According to estimates the country will produce 34 lakh tonnes (LT) of mustard oil by 2020, which in turn will reduce India’s reliance on imports of kanola oil (derived from rapeseeds) from Canada.

18.02.2014 |

India tops Canada as 4th largest country growing GM crops

India has overtaken Canada to emerge as the fourth largest country to grow biotech or genetically modified (GM) crops in 2013 as farmers here planted Bt cotton in about 11 million hectares. In the previous year, farmers in India had planted Bt cotton — the only approved GM crop for commercial cultivation — in about 10.8 m ha.

17.02.2014 |

India: Promotion of GM crops a trap, say social groups

Prominent social groups working on organic farming in Punjab have reacted strongly to promotion of genetically modified (GM) crops by agri major Mahyco and scientists of the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), describing it as a ‘trap’ by agri business corporations.
