
A 1 -Basics of GM technology - Prof. Marcello Buiatti, Florianne Koechlin
A 2 -Risk assessment, precaution and approval processes - Daniel Ammann, Werner Müller, Dr. Angelika Hilbeck, Janne Kuil
A 3 -EU legislation on GMOs - Eric Gall, Dan Leskien, Benedikt Haerlin
A 4 -GMOs and biodiversity - Dr. Beatrix Tappeser, Dr. Brian Johnson
A 5 -Testing and controls of GMOs - Lutz Grohmann, Jochen Koester

B 1 -GMO patents and seeds legislation - François Meienberg, Michael Miersch
B 2 -Science and technology assessment - case studies - Florianne Koechlin, Dr. Angelika Hilbeck, Dr. Ulrike Middelhof
B 3 -Trade rules and forces and commodities - Jochen Koester, Lindsay Keenan
B 4 -GMOs and protected areas - Josef Hoppichler, Christel Schmelzeisen, Barbara Niedeggen
B 5 -Coexistence and seeds - Benedikt Haerlin, Christian Schlatter
B 6 -GMO free regions and co-existence legislation in the EU - Geert Ritsema, Agnès Ciccarone

C 1 - Community organisation and real alternatives to GMOs - Cornelia Wiethaler
C 2 - regional and local marketing of non-GMO quality products - Luca Colombo
C 3 - Consumers keep food processors and retailers GMO free - Lindsay Keenan
C 4 - Inter-regional and EU networking - Eric Meunier, Adrian Bebb, Hartmut Meyer
C 5 - Influencing national legislation on co-existence and GMOs - Dan Leskien, Thomas Fertl, Dan Belusa
