
04.07.2013 |

Some GMO facts for you

It has become clear Hawaii is the next battle ground for the anti-GMO industry. Having been involved in this area of science and public policy for over a decade, I recognize the all-too-familiar scare tactics in this campaign. The people who protest GMOs have genuine fear but the reasons for their fear are not real.

03.07.2013 |

US GM wheat case unresolved, farmers seek answers

With the wheat harvest set to begin within a week, farmers are pressing for a resolution of the federal investigation of genetically-modified wheat plants found growing in eastern Oregon.

Japan and South Korea, the two largest buyers of soft white wheat grown in Oregon, Washington and Idaho, have suspended wheat purchases. Both countries reject genetically-modified food, and do not want to buy transgenic wheat.

02.07.2013 |

US GMO labeling bills gain traction

On the one hand, Rep. Ellen Story, D-Amherst, says her constituents include scientists who insist there’s no health danger from eating genetically engineered foods in small quantities. On the other, plenty of her constituents are very concerned that genetically modified foods are dangerously toxic or that we simply don’t know enough about them.

02.07.2013 |

US media silent about 40 tons of GM crops torched

Though the controlled corporate media apparatus is suppressing the story, 40 tons of GMO crops were torched, prompting an FBI investigation. There has been a COMPLETE MEDIA BLACKOUT, outside of local circles has dared to mention it, perhaps because government fears that if the public learns that other people are getting fighting mad (literally), they might join in, and become an actual revolution. It was only reported locally live on KXL Radio and echoed by the Oregonian, where the ONLY web mention exists, hard to find because the headline wording is carefully avoids the most likely keywords for a search.

01.07.2013 |

Choice of Monsanto Betrays World Food Prize Purpose

"This statement is supported by 81 Councillors of the World Future Council, a network of global luminaries who "form a voice for the rights of future generations," and/or Laureates of the Right Livelihood Award, often called the Alternative Nobel. Supporters' names appear below."

01.07.2013 |

UC research shows GM crops do not have better yields

North American crop production has fallen behind that of Western Europe, despite US farmers using genetically modified (GM) seed and more pesticide, University of Canterbury researchers have found.

The main point of difference between the regions is the adoption of GM seed in North America and the use of non-GM seed in Europe, the researchers say.

28.06.2013 |

McDonald's to decide on GM potato fries

McDonald’s Corp (NYSE:MCD) has been mixing up its menu recently in an attempt to combat falling sales and appeal to the ever-changing palates and wallets of its customers. But the fast food giant has thus far failed to touch one of its most world famous items: its french fries. However, that could all change soon.

26.06.2013 |

Italian farm minister pushes for GM crop ban

Italian agriculture minister Nunzia De Girolamo said this week that she will seek a ban on genetically modified crops in Italy. The farming minister said she had the backing of the country's health and environment ministers.

In April, Italian government officials wrote to the European Commission requesting the EU executive reject the renewal of a controversial genetically modified maize variety – currently Europe's only GM crop licensed for commercial cultivation.

25.06.2013 |

Monsanto Refuses to Testify at Seed Hearing in Puerto Rico

Monsanto has refused to testify at a major government hearing about the development and sale of seeds in Puerto Rico. At stake is the research that the company conducts into genetic engineering on the island that critics say threaten the environment and can cause serious human health problems.
