GMO news related to the European Union

02.01.2014 |

New approach to identify ecological effects of releasing GE insects

University of Minnesota researchers have developed a new approach for identifying potential environmental effects of deliberate releases of genetically engineered (GE) insects.

02.01.2014 |

USA: GM foods transform food production, but critics worry about safety

With many scientific breakthroughs come products and profits. Some, such as genetically modified foods, can be controversial.

02.01.2014 |

USA: GMO seeds grow into big fight on Kauai

Seeds are big business in Hawaii, where large biotech companies develop genetically modified crops. Megan Thompson reports on a battle being waged on the island of Kauai by residents who say growing practices like pesticide use are hazardous to public health.

02.01.2014 |

USA: Prices for distillers grains plunge after China rejections

Prices for dried distillers grains (DDGs)—a by-product of corn-based ethanol that is used as animal feed—fell $30 a ton at U.S. export markets after top buyer China rejected two shipments last week because of the presence of an unapproved strain of genetically modified grain, traders said Tuesday.

20.12.2013 |

Ghana: Hasten slowly with introduction of GM foods

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference has advised the government to “hasten slowly” with the introduction of genetically modified foods to the local market.

20.12.2013 |

Russian Food Security Experts Fight GMO Registrations in Supreme Court

A group of scientists and food security experts have taken the Russian Government resolution, which will allow the registration of GM crops and products containing GMOs from June 1, 2014, to the Supreme Court.

20.12.2013 |

Georgian government approves bill on living GMO’s

The Georgian government has approved a bill on "Living genetically modified organisms". Georgian Minister of Environment said that the purpose of the bill is to create a single state system of biosafety that will regulate the use of living genetically modified organisms. According to the bill, a license will be required to use these organisms.

18.12.2013 |

Turkish State Council Cancels Import of GM Corn MON810 and MON810x88017

The Turkish Council of State has cancelled the import of two genetically modified (GM) corn varieties following a lawsuit filed by the ‘No to GMO Platform’. In light of this ruling, the re-evaluation of all GMOs approved for import should be re-evaluated and their approval should be revoked according to Greenpeace Turkey. The Turkish Biosecurity Council had allowed the import and use as animal feed of 16 GM corn and 3 GM soy varieties despite a public outcry in Turkey.

18.12.2013 |

Florida University Campus: Anti GE Tree Activists Kicked Off , Spied on by FBI

A few months ago, while reporting an article about genetically engineered trees for Earth Island Journal’s Autumn issue (read the story here), I had a mighty hard time locating plant biologists or genetic engineers at academic institutions who were willing to talk about the possible risks of growing GE trees in massive plantations. It seemed there was little debate over this controversial issue within the biotech community on college campuses — the very places where most of the research into GE trees is carried out.

17.12.2013 |

Proposed GM maize 1507 authorisation must be rejected say MEPs

The European Parliament's environment and public health committee today voted with a clear majority in favour of a resolution tabled by the Greens calling on EU governments to reject a proposal by the European Commission to authorise the cultivation of a type of GM maize in the EU for the first time in 15 years
