GMO news related to the European Union

21.09.2006 |

GM Rice: further illegal shipments from the US detected

Europe's problems with shipments of unauthorized genetically modified rice have taken a turn for the worse as, once more, U.S. shipments declared as GE-free were tested positive for an illegal biotech strain. Environmental Organisations like Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth ask the EU and all their member states to stop all rice imports from the US.

20.09.2006 |

Demand for non-GMO lecithin remains strong, supply improves

Lecithin suppliers report strong demand and adequate supply for non-GMO, identity preserved lecithin with raw material coming mainly from Brazil. The GMO issue continues to impact the supply of non-GMO lecithin. Some food manufacturers are using alternatives to lecithin due to GMO concerns and to avoid allergen labeling.

19.09.2006 |

EU: Once more no decision on GMO policy

European Union governments clashed three times on Monday on genetically modified foods and crops. A majority of EU member states voted against a European Commission proposal to force Hungary to lift a ban on the cultivation of a genetically engineered maize. Also, a decision on the approval of a genetically engineered oilseed rape ended in a deadlock during a meeting of EU Farm Ministers.

16.09.2006 |

EFSA: Insufficient data for LL601 rice risk assessment

The GMO Panel of the European Food Safety authority, EFSA, has evaluated the available scientific data on LLRICE601 and issued a statement that there is insufficient data to provide a full risk assessment.

15.09.2006 |

EU votes on Bayer's GM oilseed rape and Hungarian ban on GM maize

EU governments face two key decisions next week on genetically

modified (GMO) foods, against a backdrop of rising concern that

unauthorised biotech varieties have found their way into Europe, officials

said on Thursday.

14.09.2006 |

GM Rice detected in German Supermarket

Once more, unauthorised GM rice has entered the EU and found its way into the retail food sector and appeared for sale at branches of discount supermarket Aldi, environment group Greenpeace said on Monday. The U.S. Agriculture Department said it is too soon to determine how much of the unapproved genetically modified rice strain LL601 has entered the food supply after tests in the European Union and Germany detected traces of the rice.

06.09.2006 |

GM Rice: Contaminated Rice from China detected in the EU

Greenpeace International released findings that show illegal GE rice from China has contaminated food products in France, Germany and the UK. Five samples out of 27 tested positive for the unauthorised rice strain. The illegal GM rice is an experimental variety genetically engineered to produce an insecticide. It is not approved for human consumption or commercial cultivation anywhere in the world. The EU does not yet permit the sale, import or marketing of any biotech rice on the territory of its 25 member countries. This is the second illegal rice case in three weeks.

02.09.2006 |

Austria forced to lift ban on GM maize

Austria may soon face an order to lift its bans on two genetically modified types of maize now that its presidency of the 25-country European Union has run its course, diplomats and officials said on Thursday.

29.08.2006 |

US rice farmers started lawsuit against Bayer

Rice farmers in Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and California have sued Bayer CropScience, alleging its genetically modified rice has contaminated the crop, attorneys for the farmers said on Monday.</p><p><a href="">Reuters: US rice farmers sue Bayer CropScience over GM rice</a>

28.08.2006 |

US: New bill to block local GMO bans

California Republicans and Democrats joined forces to approve a bill that would prevent local governments from banning genetically modified crops. The legislation, backed by the California Farm Bureau Federation and large agribusiness concerns such as Monsanto passed the Assembly with a 46-19 bipartisan majority.</p><p><a href="">Monterey Herald: Genetic crop bill OK'd by Assembly</a>
