GMO news related to the European Union

19.07.2013 |

Prepare for a 'GMO War' in Washington

If you think GMO is part of your HMO, you’re not alone. GMO’s or genetically modified organisms begin in the building blocks of food. Seeds are spliced with herbicides among other things to make plants less susceptible to the elements.

18.07.2013 |

US GM beet: tensions between growers & GMO company peaked

One million dollars of beets dried where they fell, on the sandy soil of two small fields barely two miles apart on the outskirts of Ashland. No one has taken responsibility for what the FBI has called acts of "economic sabotage": the destruction of genetically engineered crops on the nights of June 8 and June 11.

16.07.2013 |

Bangladesh to grow GM Brinjal

Bangladeshi scientists have readied the country’s first genetically modified (GM) crop — brinjal infused with pest-resistant genes — that will see a drastic fall in the use of harmful pesticides in the crop.

Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (Bari) will apply to the National Technical Committee for Crop Biotechnology on Sunday for its release next month, said officials concerned.

15.07.2013 |

US Military tracks GMO campaigners and independent scientists

The largest German daily newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung has today published a shocking article that reveals how Monsanto, the US Military and the US government track both anti-GMO Campaigners and Independent Scientists who study the dangers of GMOs. In a very detailed article the Süddeutsche Zeitung journalists reveal information on how the US Government “advances the interests of their corporations” using Monsanto as an example.

11.07.2013 |

USA grassroots movement against Monsanto explodes

The international resistance against Monsanto and the genetic manipulation of the food supply has advanced to an all new level, with countless citizens around the world taking the fight online and partaking in the Monsanto Video Revolt grassroots movement. Though scheduled to officially take place on July 24th, we’ve seen thousands of citizens around the world upload their videos exposing Monsanto from as far away as Nigeria and Thailand.

10.07.2013 |

China: genetically modified food fight

A Chinese agricultural official’s unsupported claims about the carcinogenic risks of consuming genetically modified soybeans have rekindled a fervent debate about the use of genetically modified crops in a country with ever-expanding food needs.

10.07.2013 |

India: Monsanto's climate resilient plant patent rejected

On 5th July, Hon Justice Prabha Sridevi, Chair of the Intellectual Property Appellate Board of India, and Hon Shri DPS Parmar, technical member, dismissed Monsanto’s appeal against the rejection of their patent application to the Patent office for “Methods of Enhancing Stress Tolerance in plants and methods thereof.” The title of the patent was later amended to “A method of producing a transgenic plant, with increasing heat tolerance, salt tolerance or drought tolerance”.

09.07.2013 |

GMOs in Italian artisan foods: traditions impacted by biotech?

Parmesan cheese and other beloved Italian food exports give the issue of genetically modified organisms (GMO) in Italy international breadth. Though GM crops are banned from Italian fields, much of the country’s livestock is fed with GM soy imported from Brazil and Argentina.

04.07.2013 |

Hawaii celebrates GMO labeling bill passed by lawmakers

Lawmakers in Hawaii have become some of the first in the US to support labelling on genetically modified food after the House Committee on Agriculture passed a new measure.

The committee approved the bill Thursday but amended it so it only applies to produce imported from outside Hawaii.

04.07.2013 |

South Africans object field trial of 'stacked' GM maize

The African Centre for Biosafety (ACB) has submitted an objection to an application by Dow Agro-sciences to conduct a field trial of a “stacked” GM maize event called MON89034xTC1507xMON NK603. The submission was endorsed by the Southern Cape Land Committee, an NGO based in George working toward agrarian reform. One of the proposed field trials will be run in George, located on the prestigious tourist destination, the Garden Route. Concerned residents of George held a protest and submitted a petition against the trials, supported by close to 1000 people, to South African authorities.
