GMO news related to the European Union

29.08.2013 |

Illinois: GMO corn failing to protect fields from pest damage

Researchers in the key corn-growing state of Illinois are finding significant damage from rootworms in farm fields planted in a rotation with a genetically modified corn that is supposed to protect the crop from the pests, according to a new report.

29.08.2013 |

Washington: What would I-522 bill require

If Washington’s Initiative 522 passes, raw agricultural products that are genetically engineered, and processed foods with such ingredients, will have to be labeled beginning July 1, 2015.

29.08.2013 |

Florida tackles issue of labeling genetically modified food

The debate over genetically modified foods may be coming to Florida's Capitol, if a bill filed for the 2014 session can get heard in a committee. HB 1 by Rep. Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda is similar to a bill she filed in the 2013 session that requires labeling of genetically modified food. But her 2013 bill and the Senate companion never were taken up by committees.

26.08.2013 |

India's Monsanto Protection Act Battle

On August 8, thousands of farmers and activists from across 20 Indian states demonstrated in New Delhi against the Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) Bill, and demanded an end to GMOs in India. 53-year-old farmer Jaswant Sainhara, standing with his son, proudly held up a placard that read, “Monsanto, Quit India.”

22.08.2013 |

India seed sovereignty and a 'genetically' modified Bill

Celebrating the 67th year of Independence, India is slowly losing her seed sovereignty, even as environmentalists and farmers’ organisations fight in vain. “Dependence on foreign seeds is as good as selling our land. The government is blind while framing new laws,” Rajesh Krishnan, co-convenor, Coalition for Genetically Modified (GM) Free India told Deccan Herald.

20.08.2013 |

Chile fights GMO in national protest against Monsanto law

Thousands of Chileans have rallied against a bill dubbed the “Monsanto law” that would let multinationals patent GMO seeds. Activists say it will not only compromise food sovereignty in Chile, but will also harm consumer health.

20.08.2013 |

Labeling genetically modified foods in Washington

The recent article regarding the labeling of foods that contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) failed to mention that genetically engineered crops require more of Monsanto’s herbicide, Roundup, because the weeds it is supposed to kill have become resistant to it and have turned into super weeds, requiring more of the chemicals that generate huge profits for Monsanto.

16.08.2013 |

Let supermarkets know they are wrong on GMO livestock products

A new campaign and website has been launched to persuade supermarkets to change policy. GMOAction is highlighting the irresponsibility of supermarkets in changing their policies on GM and allowing GM contamination in their animal feed.

14.08.2013 |

Monsanto: a food stock with a bad aftertaste

As a growth investor with a long-term focus on stocks, it’s just as important to know what stocks to avoid as it is to know which ones to invest in. Most growth trends don’t last forever and you don’t want to be stuck holding the bag when growth disappears or reverses. And perhaps even better, if you’re willing to short sell stocks that you believe are negatively exposed to an industry change, you can add a margin of safety to your portfolio in the short term while potentially improving your long term returns.

12.08.2013 |

Philippines Golden Rice field trial vandalized

One of our Golden Rice field trials in the Philippines was vandalized on Thursday, 8 Aug 2013.

A full statement was issued immediately: Malnutrition fight goes on, Golden Rice research continues. Later in the day, Dr. Bruce Tolentino, IRRI’s deputy director general for communications and partnership, followed up with a video message: Golden Rice research continues.
