GMO news related to the European Union

09.12.2013 |

Release of Bt-Brinjal in Bangladesh: A Threat to the Region

Despite the indefinite moratorium imposed on the cultivation of Bt-Brinjal in India and a ban on its field trials in Philippines, Bangladesh has gone ahead with the commercial release of the genetically modified vegetable. With this move, the region, considered to be the centre of origin and diversity of brinjal, now stands exposed to transgenic contamination of the indigenous varieties of this common vegetable.

05.12.2013 |

McDonald's GMO dilemma: why fries are causing such a fuss

Plenty of GMO food probably already makes it on to your plate, and the scientific consensus is that it's safe to eat. So why are activists so opposed to genetically modified potatoes?

04.12.2013 |

Sudan Breaks World's Record of Genetically-modified Cotton

Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Abdul Halim Al Mutaafi, said a new day in the history of cotton production in Sudan has begun. Farmers have produced 15 Qintar (15000 pounds) an acre during the first harvesting stage, he said. This is the world's highest production of genetically-modified cotton, he added, and expected the production to shoot up from 100,000 to 400,000 bales.

04.12.2013 |

Monsanto goes on the offensive

Monsanto Co., which for years has chosen not to take on critics of its genetically modified seeds and of biotech in general, is making moves to improve its image.

04.12.2013 |

USA: Colorado group seeks mandatory labeling of GM food

A Colorado issue committee seeks to place a measure on the November 2014 ballot to require labeling of genetically modified foods.

04.12.2013 |

China rejects shipment of U.S. genetically modified corn

China recently rejected a 60,000-ton shipment of American corn because it included unapproved genetically modified grain, the country’s food-quality watchdog said.

29.11.2013 |

CRIIGEN PR: FCT requests the retraction of Prof Seralini'study

The international journal Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT) has requested the retraction of our study published more than one year ago (Séralini & al., 2012, Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize. Food and Chem. Tox. 50:4221-4231) on the long term toxicity of the herbicide Roundup, and of a GM maize tolerant to it. After the analysis of all our raw data, the chief editor acknowledges the fact that there is neither fraud nor incorrect data, nor intentional misinterpretation. However, he takes unfair advantage of the fact that the data are inconclusive, due to the rat strain and the number of animals used. These criticisms are unacceptable to us, as they have already been answered in a debate published one year ago by the same journal.

29.11.2013 |

20 people were injured in the attack (Photo: Ecos Córdoba)

Argentina: Brutal attack on anti-Monsanto activists

In Argentina, a camp protesting the construction of a Monsanto seed plant in Cordoba province was violently attacked and at least 20 people were injured. On Thursday morning, a gang of 60 people arrived in a bus at the campsite in Malvinas Argentianas, destroyed tents, set fire to parts of the camp and attacked anti-GMO activists with sticks and stones. Several people were injured, among them Goldman Environmental Prize winner Sofia Gatica, who spearheads the protests and was sent to hospital with serious head injuries. On Monday, she had already been beaten up in broad daylight, just a few days after receiving a death threat on a bus. A man had a gun pointed at her and said: “There are several ways of dying. Stop with Monsanto or I’m going to end your life and spill your brains all over Malvinas Argentina.” The activists have been camping opposite the Monsanto grounds since September to prevent the construction of a corn processing plant by blocking the entry of building material and fuel. The attackers are allegedly linked to the Construction Workers Union (UOCRA) since workers are not able to continue their work due to the protests. Monsanto executives condemned the violence but accused the protesters of destroying workers’ cars. The activists denied these claims and accused the police of doing nothing to stop the violent attack.

22.11.2013 |

Washington’s GMO labeling flop, 2 weeks later: What it means

Ever since Washington state voters rejected a measure to label genetically engineered food earlier this month, I’ve been trying to understand what the vote meant.

22.11.2013 |

India: 250 scientists write to Manmohan Singh to stop open air release of GMOs

A letter endorsed by 250 scientists from across the country addressed to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was released on Thursday, in which they have urged that steps be taken to stop open air release of Genetically Modified Organisms.
