GMO news related to the United States

19.06.2014 |

USA: GM super banana to be tested on Americans

A vitamin-enhanced ‘super-banana’ developed by scientists is to be tested on humans. The trials are to take place in the US over a six-week period. Researchers aim to start growing the fruit in Uganda by 2020.

19.06.2014 |

USA: Field Evaluations of Biotech Traits in Sugarcane

Ceres, Inc., an agricultural biotechnology and seed company, will evaluate a number of its biotech traits in sugarcane in South America. Plantings were recently completed and preliminary performance observations will be available by the end of the year. Ceres expects to receive sugar yield results in the second half of 2015 when the first growing cycle is completed. Sugarcane provides an additional out-licensing opportunity for traits that the company is developing for its own use in sorghum and other energy crops.

19.06.2014 |

USA says science should settle farm debates in trade deal with EU

A planned EU/U.S. trade deal should sweep away "non-scientific barriers" to U.S. sales of many genetically modified crops and some chemically treated meats in Europe, the U.S. agriculture secretary said on Tuesday.

19.06.2014 |

USA: Republican's GMO Bill Would Set National Standard

Despite biotech industry support, the proposal is unlikely to pass. But it raises the question of whether a national law would quell the debate raging in Hawaii.

16.06.2014 |

Ben and Jerry's: Our Non-GMO Standards
Ben and Jerry's: Our Non-GMO Standards

USA: GMO labelling in Vermont, Ben and Jerry's and NON-GMO animal feed

More than 60 countries already have laws restricting or labeling foods produced with genetic engineering. Now, Vermont is the first state to require common-sense labeling for foods produced with genetic engineering. Vermont’s first-in-the-nation law is expected to be challenged in court by food producers that do not want to disclose this information to consumers.

The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) and other food industry groups have filed a complaint challenging Vermont’s controversial new law mandating the labeling of food produced with GMOs.

As Vermont's new law requiring labeling of food containing genetically modified organisms shows, interest in GMOs, or the lack of them, is hot. A growing number of image-conscious companies, including Burlington-based Lake Champlain Chocolates, are looking to go non-GMO. (.....) However, the Non-GMO Project, an organization that verifies and offers its non-GMO seal of approval to products proven to be without GMOs, requires dairy and meat to come from animals fed non-GMO feed to earn its verification. Miller said with 90 percent of feed corn genetically modified in the United States, Ben & Jerry's would have difficulty sourcing its ice cream that way. Miller said the company has been able to make the switch to non-GMO and Fair Trade certified without having to discontinue any flavors.

16.06.2014 |

USA: Food Lobby Colossus Sues Vermont over GMO Right to Know

Powerful lobbyist groups claim 'free speech' as they file suit against law that says consumers should know what's in their food

12.06.2014 |

USA: Oregon now epicenter of national GMO debate

A battle is being waged in Oregon’s grocery stores, wheat and sugar beet fields, restaurant tables and pantry shelves.

12.06.2014 |

USA: War on Cornfield Pest Sparks Clash Over Insecticide

Pesticide use is surging among U.S. corn farmers who are worried that some insects have become resistant to genetically modified versions of the crop.

11.06.2014 |

USA: Overwhelming Majority Of Americans Want GMO Labeling

An overwhelming majority of Americans think that genetically engineered (GE) foods should be labeled before they are sold, according to a new Consumer Reports poll released on Monday.

11.06.2014 |

Hawaii Farmers, Biotech Industry Challenge Big Island's GMO Ban

Several Big Island farmers and flower growers, along with a national trade organization representing the biotech industry, have filed a lawsuit challenging Hawaii County’s ban on genetically modified farming.
