GMO news related to the United States

13.11.2015 |

Costilla County, CO Introduces GMO-Free Zone to Protect Traditional Farmers

THE CENTER FOR FOOD SAFETY (CFS) is proud to support a new ordinance introduced today in Costilla County, Colorado that would establish a “Center of Origin” GMO-Free Zone of Protection to preserve the county’s unique agricultural products and traditional farming systems. The ordinance is intended to protect the county’s traditional acequia (community irrigation ditch) farmers and their land race heirloom maize varieties that are unique to the Upper Rio Grande watershed. The GMO-Free Zone will help traditional and organic farmers avoid the serious risk of transgenic contamination from nearby genetically engineered (GE) crops, particularly GE corn.

“We have the oldest water rights in Colorado and the oldest heirloom seeds. We are working to make sure both are protected,” says Delmer Vialpando, a local farmer and President of the Sangre de Cristo Acequia Association, one of the local partners that developed the ordinance and supports passage.

05.11.2015 |

USA: Shining Light on the DARK Act

In July this year, the U.S. House of Representatives passed HR 1599, a bill we call the DARK Act (Denying American’s the Right to Know) because it would deny voters the right to pass state bills to label genetically engineered foods (GMOs) and make mandatory labeling at the federal level impossible.

02.11.2015 |

USA: Monsanto clears USDA regulatory hurdle for new GMO corn

The U.S. Department of Agriculture on Friday signed off on a new genetically modified type of corn developed by Monsanto Co after a review concluded it posed no significant threat to agricultural crops, other plants or the environment.

02.11.2015 |

USA: Compromise nearing in GMO labeling solution

Top Senate Agriculture Committee democrat voices support for national GMO labeling bill before the end of the year.

02.11.2015 |

Lies lurk behind synthetic biology

Las Vegas seems to be an apt place to launch a risky corporate gamble that could destroy the livelihoods of millions of small-scale farmers. Earlier this month, the international food conglomerate Cargill chose the city's famous Strip to introduce what it hopes will be its next blockbuster product: EverSweet, a sweetener made of "the same sweet components in the stevia plant".

29.10.2015 |

USA: GMO backlash threatens beet farmers as foodmakers swap sugars

America's sugar beet growers are under siege as U.S. food companies increasingly shun genetically modified (GMO) crops.

27.10.2015 |

USA: California GMO Testing Pilot Project to Ensure Compliance with National Organic Program

It has been said that “California is the capital of organic.” The strength of that statement is a tribute to our state’s and our industry’s ability and willingness to lead, create and innovate.

27.10.2015 |

USDA Panel Backs Monsanto's Genetically Modified Corn

Monsanto is one step closer to authorization of its new genetically modified corn after receiving approval from federal agriculture regulators last week.

21.10.2015 |

USA: Cornell is taking the GMO safety debate to a new level!

Something important just happened at Cornell's Alliance for Science, writes Steven M. Druker. Long known as a keen promoter of genetic engineering, the organization has experienced a profound change of direction.

21.10.2015 |

CRISPR tweak may help gene-edited crops bypass biosafety regulation

A twist on a revolutionary gene-editing technique may make it possible to modify plant genomes while sidestepping national biosafety regulations, South Korean researchers say.
