GMO news related to the United States

16.07.2014 |

Americans Are Too Stupid For GMO Labeling, Congressional Panel Says

It's pretty rare that members of Congress and all the witnesses they've called will declare out loud that Americans are just too ignorant to be given a piece of information, but that was a key conclusion of a session of the House Agriculture Committee this week.

16.07.2014 |

USA: Agriculture industry seeks to create right to farm

In the nation's agricultural heartland, farming is more than a multibillion-dollar industry that feeds the world. It could be on track to become a right, written into law alongside the freedom of speech and religion.

09.07.2014 |

USA: Oregon control over modified crops limited

Oregon agriculture officials say the state has no authority over genetically modified crops once federal regulators deem them safe for commercial use.

09.07.2014 |

USA: Globe-Trotting GMO Bananas Arrive For Their First Test In Iowa

Somewhere in Iowa, volunteers are earning $900 a piece by providing blood samples after eating bits of a banana kissed with a curious tinge of orange.

08.07.2014 |

USA: Vermont State hires D.C. firm to help defend GMO law

Attorney General Bill Sorrell said Monday that the state has retained a Washington, D.C., legal firm to help defend a lawsuit filed against Vermont’s new GMO labeling law.

08.07.2014 |

Why does Europe hate GM food and is it about to change its mind?

While the United States, Canada, Brazil, Argentina and China and many other countries have warmly embraced genetically modified crops, Europe remains the world's big holdout.

08.07.2014 |

US campaigners hope to engineer GMO labeling laws

Two decades after genetically modified foods first hit the shelves of American supermarkets, a fight is sprouting over whether consumers should be told more about what's in their grocery bags.

07.07.2014 |

USA: Hillary Rodham Clinton Supports GMOs

In a speech before the world’s largest biotechnology gathering on Wednesday, Hillary Rodham Clinton expressed enthusiastic support for the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture and for federally-sourced financial subsidies designed to keep companies from leaving the U.S. She also declared her desire to get industry representatives around a table to have an “intensive discussion” about “how the federal government could help biotechs with insurance against [financial] risk.”

04.07.2014 |

GMO Factory Monsanto's High-Tech Plans to Feed the World

The 4,400 acres Dustin Spears farms with his father-in-law stretch for 50 miles across northern Illinois in an archipelago of disconnected, mostly rented plots. Even in the best of circumstances, it’s a race to get the corn in the ground in time to take advantage of the full growing season. When spring is unusually cold and rainy, as it was this year, the window narrows even more.

04.07.2014 |

USA: EPA official tells Maui council no health issues from eating GE papaya

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officials told a Maui County Council committee they haven't heard of any health issues related to eating genetically engineered rainbow papaya.
