GMO news related to the United States

25.07.2014 |

USA: Roundup ready alfalfa

Most of the lush, green fields seen in Valencia County are alfalfa crops, leafy plants with small purple flowers. It is a high-protein hay used to feed livestock, horses and dairy cows. What is not visible is that some of those alfalfa fields are genetically-modified crops.

25.07.2014 |

USA: Midwestern farmers fighting explosion of superweeds

Farmers in important crop-growing states should consider the environmentally unfriendly practice of deeply tilling fields to fight a growing problem with invasive "superweeds" that resist herbicides and choke crop yields, agricultural experts said this week.

25.07.2014 |

USA: Maryland seeks to lure anglers to join Frankenfish battle

Maryland officials are hoping that the prospect of landing a record fish will enlist anglers in the battle against the northern snakehead, a voracious newcomer dubbed "Frankenfish."

25.07.2014 |

USA: Oregon GMO labeling measure certified for November ballot

An Oregon citizens' initiative that would require labeling of foods made with genetically modified ingredients has garnered more than enough signatures to gain a spot on the state's November ballot, a state government spokesman said on Thursday.

23.07.2014 |

USDA withdraws GMO disclosure rule

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is backing down from a GMO disclosure rule that would have provided state regulators with critical information about the genetically modified organisms that farmers use to spray their crops.

23.07.2014 |

USA: Some Food Companies Are Quietly Dumping GMO Ingredients

A tour of the Ben & Jerry's factory in Waterbury, Vt., includes a stop at the "Flavor Graveyard," where ice cream combinations that didn't make the cut are put to rest under the shade of big trees.

23.07.2014 |

U.S. researchers call for greater oversight of powerful genetic technology

In 2011, experiments that allowed the potentially deadly H5N1 flu virus to spread between mammals ignited intense discussions about whether such research should be done at all, much less published. But most of the debate occurred after the research had been carried out.

20.07.2014 |

What Do Natural, Local, Organic and Non-GMO Mean?

According to a survey released by Consumer Reports on 16 June, 60% of consumers look for the word “natural” on the foods they buy. Two thirds of those polled think it means that the product has no artificial ingredients, pesticides or genetically modified organisms – including artificial growth hormones, antibiotics or drugs in meat. And 80% think that the presence of “natural” on food packaging should mean those things. The problem is that ”natural” means just about nothing, in terms of US food labelling regulations. Products marked “natural” aren't certified or inspected to ensure they are, and the legal definition is vague at best.

16.07.2014 |

USA: Herbicide-resistant weeds trouble Midwestern farms

Midwestern farmers are increasingly running into aggressive varieties of weeds that can’t be killed by a popular herbicide that revolutionized modern farming nearly two decades ago.

16.07.2014 |

USA: The debate to increase consumer confidence about GMOs

Studies have found mandatory labeling laws will raise food costs for America’s families in the checkout aisle, impose unnecessary burdens on farmers and food producers and ultimately eliminate biotechnology from American agriculture
