GMO news related to the United States

03.12.2014 |

Duluth library's free seed-sharing program
Duluth library's free seed-sharing program

Duluth seed-sharers and state look for common ground

Last summer, gardeners In Duluth wanted to share their heirloom seeds, so they set up a spot in the public library where folks could drop off packets of home-grown seeds and others could pick them up. Unfortunately, Minnesota law regarding seeds is set up to keep an eye out for shenanigans by companies like Monsanto and Con-Agra. Peter Passi of the Duluth News Tribune notes that the state Department of Agriculture notified the library that the seed-sharing program was out of compliance. The library needs a seed-labeling permit, which costs $50 and requires the holder to include “seed lot numbers from each gardener sharing seed, documentation of any noxious weeds that might contaminate the seeds, plant variety, seed origin and the percent of seed that can be expected to germinate. An official germination test typically involves about 400 seeds,” Passi wrote. This is clearly beyond the reach of the sharers who drop off packets of 20 or 30 seeds.

02.12.2014 |

USA: Chefs Push Lawmakers on Labeling Genetically Modified Food

Some of the best-known chefs in the country are leaving the kitchen this week and heading to Capitol Hill to press for mandatory labels on genetically modified food.

28.11.2014 |

USA: ADM files lawsuit over genetically modified corn

Archer Daniels Midland Co. has sued a Swiss agribusiness because they say that company’s genetically engineered corn has tainted much of the regular corn crop in the United States. That has caused China has rejected shipments of corn from ADM, resulting in “tens of millions of dollars” in losses, ADM said.

28.11.2014 |

USA: Judge invalidates county GMO law

Oversight of genetically modified crops in Hawaii remains the state’s kuleana, a federal judge ruled Wednesday when invalidating Hawaii County’s law restricting the use of transgenic plants.

28.11.2014 |

Vote Yes on Measure 92: We have the Right to Know What's in our Food
Vote Yes on Measure 92: We have the Right to Know What's in our Food

Oregon's 'Measure 92' GMO labeling: Oregon counties have until Dec. 12 to recount

Oregon's county clerks have been officially ordered to conduct a hand recount of votes for and against GMO labeling Measure 92 by December 12.

Secretary of State Kate Brown announced late Tuesday that, as expected, the certified results of Measure 92 are so close they require an automatic hand recount.

County elections officials now need to take up that task, with the state paying the cost.

26.11.2014 |

USA: Maui GMO ban supporters seek to dismiss lawsuit

Groups of moms and environmentalists are among the organizations that want to help defend a new Maui County law that bans the cultivation of genetically modified organisms.

26.11.2014 |

USA: In wake of China rejections, GMO seed makers limit U.S. launches

China’s barriers to imports of some U.S. genetically modified crops are disrupting seed companies' plans for new product launches and keeping at least one variety out of the U.S. market altogether.

24.11.2014 |

USA: Oregon GMO measure may be headed for recount

An Oregon ballot measure that would require labels for genetically engineered foods may be heading for an automatic recount.

24.11.2014 |

USA: Congress will soon be better positioned to OK ban on state GMO labels

Measure 92, which would have required labels for genetically engineered food products, appears to have failed this month, though a recount is possible. A similar measure failed in Colorado, too, extending a ballot-box losing streak that includes California (2012) and Washington (2013).

21.11.2014 |

USA: New GM tater approved by USDA, loathed by GMO critics

A newly approved genetically modified potato may have growers and food purveyors who embrace the spud asking: Would you like RNAis with that?
