GMO news related to the United States

17.02.2015 |

US Approves Genetically Engineered Non-Browning Apples

Genetically engineered apples that wouldn’t turn brown on cutting are approved to be planted in the US.

13.02.2015 |

USA: Biotech critics claim GMO loophole will backfire

GMO critics say a loophole in federal biotech regulations will backfire against major developers of transgenic seed.

10.02.2015 |

USA Non-GMO crops: hurdles and premium prices

The commercial sale of genetically modified organisms has been around since 1994. Farmers have grown these crops at a steadily increasing rate as well.

09.02.2015 |

GMO contamination: Farmers file more than 360 corn lawsuits against Syngenta

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Farmers and farm businesses in 20 states have now filed more than 360 lawsuits against agricultural chemicals-maker Syngenta, and hundreds more may be coming as a federal judge organizes the complex case so they can move forward.

The dispute centers around Syngenta's sale of a corn seed called Agrisure Viptera, which was genetically altered to contain a protein that kills corn-eating bugs such as earworms and cutworms. The U.S. Department of Agriculture approved it in 2010, and Syngenta first sold it to farmers in 2011.

China, a growing importer of U.S. corn that refuses to buy genetically modified crops it hasn't tested, had not approved Viptera when Syngenta began selling it. In November 2013, China discovered the Viptera corn trait in several U.S. shipments.

It began rejecting U.S. corn imports in February 2014. The lawsuits say it rejected more than 131 million bushels.

09.02.2015 |

USA: Farmers file more than 360 corn lawsuits against Syngenta

Farmers and farm businesses in 20 states have now filed more than 360 lawsuits against agricultural chemicals-maker Syngenta, and hundreds more may be coming as a federal judge organizes the complex case so they can move forward.

09.02.2015 |

USA: Hawaii counties rights to regulate farming challenged by bills

A tug-of-war over control of the agriculture industry's use of pesticides and genetically modified crops is playing out in the Hawaii Legislature as lawmakers consider bills that would limit counties' regulatory abilities and create pesticide buffer zones around schools.

07.02.2015 |

Fields of Gold: GMO-Free Crops Prove Lucrative for Farmers

Non-Biotech Corn, Soybeans Fetch a Premium as Processors Respond to Rising Demand

Last spring, for the first time in 20 years, Indiana farmer Jim Benham planted his fields entirely with soybean seeds that hadn’t been genetically modified to withstand herbicides.

It wasn’t because the 63-year-old suddenly had embraced the anti-GMO movement. Instead, he was drawn to a nearly 14% per-bushel premium for non-GMO soybeans offered by a local grain terminal, which sells them to Asian feed processors.

Mr. Benham is among a small but growing number of Midwestern farmers moving away from biotech seeds developed by Monsanto Co. , DuPont Co. and other companies in response to lower crop prices over the past two years that have slashed farm profits.

05.02.2015 |

USA: Outrage Over US Secret Approval of GE Trees

Groups from around the world [1] today joined together to denounce the US government for allowing the first genetically engineered tree, a loblolly pine, to be legalized with no government or public oversight, with no assessment of their risks to the public or the environment, and without regard to overwhelming public opposition to GE trees.

04.02.2015 |

Moms Across America founder took on Monsanto chief at the company's AGM - and won

Moms Across America founder Zen Honeycutt took on Monsanto chief Hugh Grant at the company's Annual General Meeting - and won, winning 53% of the vote on a call for Monsanto to reform its practices and safeguard the health of millions of children exposed to its toxic products - and Roundup in particular. In her own words, this is what took place ...

04.02.2015 |

USA: Hawaii County Council considers free legal help to defend genetically modified crop law

The Hawaii County Council is scheduled to consider an attorney's offer for free legal representation to defend its new law restricting genetically modified crops.
