GMO news related to the United States

07.08.2014 |

USA: GMO Proposal Denounced at Safeway Shareholder Meeting

At the annual meeting of Safeway shareholders in Pleasanton, Calif., the overwhelming majority of shareholders followed the advice of the National Center for Public Policy Research and rejected an anti-scientific shareholder proposal that would have forced the grocery store chain to brand products containing genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) with labels.

07.08.2014 |

USA: GMO-labeling movement poised for ballot initiative in Colorado

Supporters for the labeling of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) in Colorado delivered a petition on Monday with about twice the number of signatures required for a ballot initiative to appear before voters in November.

05.08.2014 |

USA: National Refuges to Ban GE Crops and Bee-Killing Pesticides

In a huge victory for environmental protection, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) will phase out the use of genetically engineered (GE) crops to feed wildlife and ban neonicotinoid insecticides from all wildlife refuges nationwide by January 2016.

05.08.2014 |

USA: Consider some of the benefits of GM foods

Some technologies enjoy nearly universal approval. What's not to like about safer cars, better health diagnostics and instant access to virtually all the world's knowledge? But high tech on a fork? Now there's something that for some folks is hard to swallow.

05.08.2014 |

Organically raised food far preferable to GE crops

Organic foods are not just a consumer trend, but vitally important to sustaining our ability to feed ourselves. The absence of pesticides, herbicides, synthetic growth hormones, antibiotics, irradiation, and genetically engineered (GE) ingredients drives consumer demand for organics foods.

05.08.2014 |

USA: Farmers, Environmental Groups Defend Moratorium of GMO Crops on Hawaii Big Island

A coalition of local farmers and environmental groups last week filed a motion to intervene in a lawsuit to defend a Hawai‘i County ordinance that imposes a moratorium on the expansion of genetically engineered (GE) crops on the Big Island.

04.08.2014 |

Farmers, Environmental Groups Defend Moratorium of GMO Crops on Hawaii’s Big Island

Report from the Center for Food Safety - HONOLULU – A coalition of local farmers and environmental groups today filed a motion to intervene in a lawsuit to defend a Hawai‘i County ordinance that imposes a moratorium on the expansion of genetically engineered (GE) crops on the Big Island. Sustainable agriculture nonprofit, Center for Food Safety (CFS), and three Hawai‘i Island farmers asked the court permission to join as defendants in a biotech industry lawsuit challenging the County of Hawai‘i’s Ordinance 13-121. The ordinance regulates GE organisms to prevent their environmental and economic harms, such as contamination of organic and conventional crops and wild plants and associated pesticide use. The coalition is jointly represented by counsel from CFS and Earthjustice. “Hawaii County, like every county, has the right to protect its farmers and native environments from genetically engineered crops,” said George Kimbrell, CFS senior attorney. “Having GE-free zones is

31.07.2014 |

UA-Led Team Decodes African Rice

An international team of researchers led by the University of Arizona has sequenced the complete genome of African rice.

31.07.2014 |

USA: GMO crop companies double down on anti-labeling efforts

One year after the launch of a social media effort to allay consumers' concerns about the safety of foods made from genetically modified crops, U.S. companies that develop GMOs have further committed to a multimillion-dollar campaign to defeat attempts to add GMO labels to such foods.

29.07.2014 |

USA: Big lobbying dollars flow in engineered food fight

The way that consumers would be informed when the food they buy has been genetically engineered—and perhaps whether they'd be informed at all—is being battled out in Congress and among industry and advocacy groups, with millions of dollars in play and some well-known, publicly traded companies acting as the key players.
