GMO news related to the United States

12.08.2014 |

USA: The Rising Cost of Going GMO-Free

When we talk about the GMO fight, we talk about two things: (1) The ongoing and continuing battle over whether or not food labels should list GMOs; and (2) the ongoing and continuing battle over whether or not GMOs should be allowed in food at all. Today, we're going to focus on a third battle, that until now has been left mostly on the sidelines: The battle over the rising cost of trying not to eat GMOs.

12.08.2014 |

Monsanto Biotech Public Relations Makeover: Lubricating the Wheels of the GMO Trojan Horse

Monsanto believes it is having trouble getting its message across to the public. Last year, it began a makeover. It realised that it and GMOs have an image problem.

12.08.2014 |

USA: Efforts are being made to overturn Vermont GMO labeling law

A battle between lawmakers and food manufactures in the state of Vermont is brewing over the mandatory use of labels on genetically modified food.

12.08.2014 |

The Future of Synthetic Biology Applications

The development of increasingly sophisticated techniques and tools to sequence, synthesize and manipulate genetic material has led to the rapidly maturing discipline of synthetic biology.

12.08.2014 |

Monsanto Wants Reporter Fired for Exposing GMO Dangers

First Monsanto took over our Congress, then our Supreme Court, and now they are trying to take over journalism. Without freedom of speech and fair reporting, none of us would ever know just what hideous deeds these monopolizing corporations were up to. In Monsanto’s latest inexcusable move, the company is trying to have a veteran reporter fired for reporting on genetically modified organisms fairly.

11.08.2014 |

Modified High
Modified High

USA: More Firms Are Jettisoning GMOs From Their Foods

Two decades after the first genetically engineered seeds were sold commercially in the U.S., genetically modified organisms—the crops grown from such seeds—are the norm in the American diet, used to make ingredients in about 80% of packaged food, according to industry estimates. (.....) "Non-GMO" is one of the fastest-growing label trends on U.S. food packages, with sales of such items growing 28% last year to about $3 billion, according to market-research firm Nielsen. In a poll of nearly 1,200 U.S. consumers for The Wall Street Journal, Nielsen found that 61% of consumers had heard of GMOs and nearly half of those people said they avoid eating them. The biggest reason was because it "doesn't sound like something I should eat."

11.08.2014 |

USA: Outrage Follows USDA Advancement Of New GE Crops

Watchdog groups are denouncing the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s recommendation on Wednesday to approve new varieties of genetically engineered corn and soybeans as a path towards more toxic pesticides that threaten the environment and public health.

11.08.2014 |

USA: Organic corn getting harder and harder to find

For those that follow an organic diet and possibly are on the front lines fighting for food freedom and those that understand the details of genetically modified (GMO) foods and heirloom seeds, you will understand when it is mentioned that organic or heirloom corn and corn seed is becoming harder and harder to find.

07.08.2014 |

USA: Scientists Challenge Makeup of US GMO Risks Panel

Today, 64 established scientists, researchers and professionals submitted an open letter to the U.S. National Academy of Science’s National Research Council (NRC), strongly criticizing the council’s proposal of a panel of experts tasked with completing a new NRC study, “Genetically Engineered Crops: Past Experience and Future Prospects.”

07.08.2014 |

USA: New toxic weed killer that threatens environment & GE seeds may be deregulated

A U.S. Department of Agriculture’s recommendation to deregulate new varieties of genetically engineered corn and soybean seeds would bring a chemical manufacturer one step closer to selling a new toxic weed killer that would threaten human health and the environment.
