GMO news related to the United States

08.12.2015 |

USA: Alfalfa farmers reach settlement over Jackson County's GMO ban

A proposed settlement of a lawsuit against Jackson County’s ban on genetically engineered crops would allow continued growing of Roundup-ready alfalfa if it has already been planted.

08.12.2015 |

USA: Food label bill about justice

Communities across New York are striving for a fair food system, in which everyone has access to healthy, affordable food. Food labels are a key element of this agenda, helping people understand what's in their food, how it's produced, and where it's from. This is why labeling foods that contain genetically engineered, or GMO ingredients is a food justice concern.

30.11.2015 |

USA: EPA Revokes Approval of New Dow Herbicide for GMO Crops

The Environmental Protection Agency, in a surprising move, has decided to revoke the approval of a herbicide that was made to be used on a new generation of genetically modified crops.

30.11.2015 |

USA: Obama breaks his promise on frankenfish, and Alaskans will pay

For close to two decades, AquaBounty, a company from Massachusetts, has been genetically modifying salmon. Apparently the whole years in the ocean, swimming back to the home creek, spawning upriver natural progression, is just too much of a pain. It takes too long.

26.11.2015 |

EPA asks court to withdraw registration of Dow herbicide

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is seeking court approval to withdraw registration of Dow Chemical Co.’s new herbicide Enlist Duo, as the agency studies new information regarding the product’s impact on nontarget plants, according to court documents filed late Tuesday.

The EPA approved the herbicide for sale and use in several states, including Illinois and Missouri, more than a year ago, but later found that its assessment of the product’s two active ingredients was incomplete.

25.11.2015 |

Costco, Red Lobster will not sell GMO salmon

Coalition demands labeling in wake of FDA approval

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On the heels of FDA’s approval of GMO salmon, Costco Wholesale (COST), has made a public commitment to not sell GMO salmon. Friends of the Earth and a coalition of more than 30 consumer, health, food safety and fishing groups released the retailer’s statement today.

Costco, the second largest retailer in the world, with 487 stores, and one of the largest retailers of salmon and seafood in the U.S., joins more than 60 other supermarket chains including Kroger (NYSE: KR), Safeway (NYSE: SWY), Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods (NASDAQ: WFM), now totaling more than 9,500 stores nationwide, in making a commitment to not sell GMO salmon.

23.11.2015 |

Consumers Union “Deeply Disappointed” by FDA Move to Approve GE Salmon without Requiring Labeling

WASHINGTON, DC – Consumers Union, the policy and advocacy arm of Consumer Reports, today expressed deep disappointment as the FDA approved AquaBounty Technologies’ application for AquAdvantage Salmon, the first genetically engineered (GE) food animal on the market that is designed to grow to maturity in half the time of wild salmon. The agency is not requiring that the GE salmon be labeled as such, only issuing guidance for voluntary labeling of genetically engineered salmon and plants.

“We are deeply disappointed with the FDA’s decision to approve the AquaAdvantage salmon. And it’s even more concerning that the FDA chose not to require any form of labeling, making it extremely difficult for consumers to know if the salmon is GE or not,” said Michael Hansen PhD, Senior Scientist with Consumers Union. “Consumers deserve to know what type of food they’re buying – and an overwhelming majority has told us that they want genetically modified food labeled in poll after poll. The decision to not require a GE label for this product takes away the consumer’s ability to make a truly informed choice.”

Consumers Union has commented at length to FDA about what it feels were inadequacies in both the agencies human and environmental safety assessments. The group pointed to potential issues of increased allergenicity, as well as the potential for fish to escape from the hatchery and production facility as concerns.

23.11.2015 |

USA: FDA Takes Issue With the Term Non-GMO

Lost in the news about the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of genetically engineered salmon on Thursday was its long-awaited guidelines on labeling food with or without genetically altered plant ingredients.

23.11.2015 |

USA: Here's How Americans Feel About GMO Salmon

This Thursday, AquaBounty Technologies’ new genetically engineered Atlantic salmon made history by achieving FDA approval for human consumption. AquaBounty claims that the salmon take half the time and about 25 percent less food than standard salmon to reach market weight. The salmon will be raised in tanks on land at the company’s Canadian and Panamanian facilities.

19.11.2015 |

USA: The High Tech Hijacking of GMO Food Labeling

Americans may not agree on much in this election year but according to polls, more than 90 percent support genetically engineered (GE) food labeling. Despite the industrial food complex spending hundreds of millions on lobbying against labeling, three states have responded to the call from their voters and passed labeling laws. Vermont's laws will require that companies start labeling by July, 2016.
