GMO news related to the United States

26.05.2014 |

USA: Mandatory Labeling for Genetically Engineered Salmon Wins Support in Senate Committee

Center for Food Safety applauds the passage of a bipartisan amendment offered by Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) to the FY 2015 Agriculture Appropriations bill that would require the mandatory labeling of genetically engineered (GE) salmon. It marks the second year that the Senate Appropriations Committee has passed a GE fish labeling amendment. The bill, with the labeling language intact, will now head to the Senate floor in the coming weeks for a vote.

26.05.2014 |

USA: Court Battle Looms Over Vermont's GMO Food Labeling Law

Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin has signed a first-in-the-nation law requiring the labeling of food produced by genetic engineering. “I am proud that we’re leading the way in the United States to require labeling of genetically engineered food,” said the governor. “More than 60 countries have already restricted or labeled these foods, and now one state, Vermont, will also ensure that we know what’s in the food we buy and serve our families.”

26.05.2014 |

USA: Jackson County, Oregon Bans GMOs

Speaking as a former organic farmer and USDA-contract organic inspector, the recent vote in Jackson County Oregon to ban genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) marks a huge setback for the organic community across America.

23.05.2014 |

Oregon, USA: Jackson and Josephine counties ban cultivation of GMO crops

Despite the flood of corporate money poured into two small Oregon counties, local residents voted on Tuesday to ban genetically engineered crops from being planted within their borders. Although Jackson County itself is home to less than 120,000 registered voters, the measure to ban genetically modified crops (GMOs) made headlines around the nation when it was revealed that large biotech companies like Monsanto were pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into the area in order to affect the vote’s outcome. As RT reported previously, Monsanto and five other corporations spent at least $455,000 in an attempt to defeat the initiative, and opponents of the GMO ban had gained an eight-to-one spending advantage as of April. According to the Associated Press, nearly $1 million of the $1.3 million spent during the campaign was used by opponents. When the results were tallied, however, 66 percent of Jackson County residents voted in favor of the ban.

21.05.2014 |

USA: Oregon voters asked to ban growing of GM crops

Unable to find a good solution to protecting their certified organic seed crops from potential contamination from genetically engineered crops, small organic farmers in this Oregon valley are appealing to a higher power: voters.

21.05.2014 |

USA: If GE Trees Are Planted, Expect Resistance

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is currently considering approval of the first genetically engineered (GE) tree for commercial use—a GE eucalyptus tree developed by the biotechnology corporation ArborGen. The tree is designed to withstand colder climates and would primarily be cultivated to provide pulp for paper and wood pellets used for fuel.

21.05.2014 |

USA: Georgians march against corporate giant Monsanto

About 100 people marched from Johnson Square after a large rally against the Monsanto Corporation, a bio-technical and chemical giant. Monsanto plays a major role in industrialized agriculture. Marchers voiced concern or opposition to Monsanto’s genetically modified crops, unfair labor practices and poor treatment of workers. Today, genetically engineered crops account for 93% of all U.S. soybeans and about 90% of corn.

20.05.2014 |

USA: Are GMOs the climategate of the left?

The scientific community provides overwhelming evidence. A political group isn't convinced. Sound familiar?

20.05.2014 |

USA: Controversy Swims Around Genetically Modified Fish

Environmentalists and food safety experts are raising concerns as the Food and Drug Administration considers approval for the world's first genetically modified fish.

20.05.2014 |

How McDonald's and Wendy's Are Copying GMO-free Chipotle's Playbook

Chipotle Mexican Grill has been a consistent performer over the last year. Its bottom line surged 19.7% in fiscal 2013, supported by a top-line growth of 17.7%. It looks like the momentum is continuing into the new fiscal year as evidenced by Chipotle's recent results. This is remarkable considering that the restaurant industry has been struggling with same-store traffic in the negative territory since March 2012. (.....) Chipotle continues to strengthen its food culture through the use of ingredients from more sustainable sources and preparing the food using classic cooking techniques. One of Chipotle's key initiatives is the elimination of genetically modified organisms, or GMO, ingredients from food, and the addition of Sofritas -- the all new vegan menu item -- to 40% of restaurants . Encouraged by the item's success, the company will continue rolling out Sofritas to other locations going forward. Also, Chipotle will continue to shift ingredient sourcing to non-GMO options. In its North America locations, all oil used for cooking is non-GMO, and after a few key steps, all food would be non-GMO ingredient based. Its marketing campaign -- Scarecrow, as well as Farmed and Dangerous -- is also focused on issues of GMO and overuse of antibiotics in livestock farming for creating consumer awareness. As awareness regarding the harmful effects of GMO-based food spreads, more customers should come into Chipotle's fold.
