GMO news related to the United States

06.10.2014 |

Syngenta Seeds Inc. v. Bunge North America Inc.: A Warehouse Full of Unapproved GM Seeds; Now What?

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit addressed allegations of breach and false advertising against an agricultural product storage and transport company, who not only stopped accepting genetically-modified strain of corn seeds—a variety that was not approved in China—but placed signs in its regional facilities and website indicating that the seeds were not approved for U.S. export markets. Syngenta Seeds, Inc. v. Bunge North America, Inc., Case No. 13-1391 (8th Cir., Aug. 8, 2014), (Bye, J.).

06.10.2014 |

Syngenta Seeds Inc. v. Bunge North America Inc.: A Warehouse Full of Unapproved GM Seeds; Now What?

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit addressed allegations of breach and false advertising against an agricultural product storage and transport company, who not only stopped accepting genetically-modified strain of corn seeds—a variety that was not approved in China—but placed signs in its regional facilities and website indicating that the seeds were not approved for U.S. export markets. Syngenta Seeds, Inc. v. Bunge North America, Inc., Case No. 13-1391 (8th Cir., Aug. 8, 2014), (Bye, J.).

03.10.2014 |

USA: GMO Labeling Will Cost Consumers Less Than a Penny a Day

Genetically engineered foods are already required to be labeled in 64 foreign countries, including many where American food producers sell their wares. Labeling has not increased food prices in those countries, according to Consumers Union.

03.10.2014 |

California Ban on GE Salmon Expands Protections, but Opens a Dangerous Loophole

Center for Food Safety (CFS) cautiously welcomes California law AB 504, signed by Governor Jerry Brown, which bans commercial production of genetically engineered (GE) salmon in all state waters. However, CFS also warns that the bill contains a dangerous loophole that must be closed.

03.10.2014 |

USA: Unregulated GM wheat popping up in Montana

Unregulated genetically modified wheat has popped up in a second location in the United States, this time in Montana, the Agriculture Department has said.

01.10.2014 |

USA: Companies Pursuing Non-GMO Products For Competitive Edge, Experts Say

Genetically modified organisms are either going to solve world hunger or kill off the human race, depending on who you ask. The words “Monsanto” or “GMO” engender strong reactions in people around the globe, as governments, scientists, advocates and consumers are finding themselves adopting strong stances either for or against the new technology.

01.10.2014 |

USA: GM Apples Discovered in Washington State Cover-Up

According to information released through a Freedom of Information Act request, Hearst Newspapers discovered hundreds of violations pertaining to genetically modified organisms. In one secret, experimental apple tree orchard in Washington, Gebbers Farms was cited for infractions including cross-contamination of GM and organic apple trees.

30.09.2014 |

Assembly Bill No. 504 to ban transgenic fish approved by Governor

Governor signs bill banning commercial production of genetically modified salmon

Gov. Jerry Brown signed a North Coast lawmaker’s bill banning the commercial production of genetically altered salmon. AB 504, authored by Assemblyman Wes Chesbro, D-Arcata, extends the prohibition of spawning or cultivating so-called “transgenic salmonids” in the Pacific Ocean to all waters of the state. The hatchery production and stocking of such fish also is prohibited. The legislation protects the state’s native steelhead trout and salmon populations, Chesbro said. He noted that federal food and drug regulators are reviewing an application by a company, AquaBounty Technologies, that seeks to raise genetically altered salmon in the United States. (.....) The bill was sponsored by the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations.

30.09.2014 |

USA: Unregulated GM wheat found in Montana

Unregulated genetically modified wheat has popped up in a second location in the United States, this time in state of Montana, the Agriculture Department said Friday.

30.09.2014 |

USA: Governor signs bill banning commercial production of GM salmon

Gov. Jerry Brown signed a North Coast lawmaker’s bill banning the commercial production of genetically altered salmon.
