European Union
European Union
Organisations and institutions Biodynamic Federation Demeter International Corporate Europe Observatory European Coordination Via Campesina European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) Friends of the Earth Europe Greenpeace European Unit IFOAM Organics Europe Save Our Seeds Slow Food Testbiotech – Institute for Independent Impact Assessment of Biotechnology European Union Novel Food: Novel Food […]
Organisations Ekologiska Lantbrukarna (Swedish Association of Ecological Farmers) Svenska DemeterförbundetDemeter förbjuder användning av frö, förökning eller växtmaterial som produceras av NGTs. Förbundet organisk-biologisk odling – FOBOFOBO arbetar aktivt mot GMO, handelsgödsel, slamspridning och kemiska bekämpningsmedel. NOrdBruk “NOrdBruk arbetar aktivt med motstånd mot avreglering av GMO och nya genomiska tekniker genom sina kopplingar till den europeiska […]
Organisations and institutions Amigos de la Tierra (Castilian)COAG (Castillan)Confederación Española de Consumidores y Usuarios (CECU) (Castillan)Ecologistas en Acción (Castilian), el directorio ecológico y natural (Castilian)Greenpeace – Decir no a la ingeniería genética (Castilian)Som Lo Que Sembrem (Catalan) Official and institutional links Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs National campaign update Ecologists in Action New genetic engineering: Scientists oppose the European Commission proposal […]
Organisations and institutions Institute for Sustainable Development (Slovene)Umanotera, Slovenian Foundation for Sustainable Development (Slovene)Greepeace Slovenia (Slovene)Založba AJDA Official and institutional links Ministry for the Environment and Spatial Planning (Slovene)Ministry of Health (English)Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (English)
Organisations and institutions Citizens initiative Slovakia without GMO Official and institutional links
Organisations and institutions Agent GreenEco Ruralis ICA research and developmentNational Federation of Organic Farmers (FNAE) (Romanian) Official and institutional links The agriculture authority about GMO/NGTThe environmental authority about GMO/NGT
Organisations and institutions Portuguese GM-Free Coalition Plataforma Transgénicos Fora In Portugal a NGO Platform was created in 1999 which has since been fighting for a GMO-free country and against a huge public information deficit. Besides individual members, there are 11 organisations directly involved in the coalition (AEPGA, Campo Aberto, CNA, CPADA, GAIA, GEOTA, LPN, NDMALO, Palombar, […]
Organisations and institutions International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside – Anti-GMO Campaign (Polish and English):In July 2004 the board of International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside – ICPPC decided to launch a national campaign “STOP GMO IN POLAND – GMO Free Zone” to highlight the dangers of GMOs for the Polish countryside and to […]
Organisations and institutions ASEED (English and Dutch)Milieudefensie – Friends of the Earth Netherlands (Dutch)Greenpeace Netherlands (Dutch)De Gentechvrije Burgers (English and Dutch) (Dutch)Burgers voor gentechvrij voedsel (Dutch) Official and institutional links Commission on Genetic Modification (COGEM)Rules on the use of genetically modified crops