Organisations and institutions
International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside – Anti-GMO Campaign (Polish and English):
In July 2004 the board of International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside – ICPPC decided to launch a national campaign “STOP GMO IN POLAND – GMO Free Zone” to highlight the dangers of GMOs for the Polish countryside and to press for as many areas of Poland as possible to be declared GMO free zones.
Coalition GMO-free-Poland (Polish):
In response to renewed corporate attempts to undermine Poland’s status as a Country Free from GMO, ICPPC has taken the initiative of launching a new body “The Coalition for a GMO Free Poland.” The new body, made up of a broad cross section of society, will specifically counteract attempts to force GMO onto Polish fields and stongly put forward arguments for maintaining the current ban on GM seeds and the import ban of GM animal feeds due to take effect in the summer of 2008.
At a packed meeting in Krakow, on Saturday 1st December, the new organisation was born. Farmers, academics, environmental activists, consumer representatives, shopkeepers and politicians have pledged their support by joining the Coalition, which has put forward a strong pro ecological/no to GMO action plan for the coming year.
By catalysing fresh input from a wide range of concerned citizens and organisations we will be spreading the responsibility for keeping Poland GMO Free more widely and sharing the torch with other committed activists. As of to-day, 3rd December, more than 50 organisations plus VIP’s have already signed up to the Coalition for a GMO Free Poland – and we anticipate many more.
One of the first acts of the new Coalition will be to press the new Polish government to resist any attempts to sell out to the GM corporate lobby or capitulate under European Commission demands to cease the current bans.
In February 2009 “The Coalition for a GMO Free Poland” have 260 members (organizations and specialists)