Organisations and institutions
GMO-free Estonia campaign (Estonian)
The Estonian Council of Environmental NGOs (EKO), the Estonian Farmers` Federation, the Fund of Organic Agriculture, the Centre for Ecological Technologies and Consumers´ Organisations from four cities have launched a campaign to establish GMO-free zones, helping farmers to express their determination to remain GMO-free.
The campaign for a GMO-free Estonia is collecting information about landowners who are aware of the risks connected to GMOs and do not want to grow them.
ELIS, Estonian Nature Infosystem (Estonian)
Estonian Council of Environmental NGOs (EKO) (Estonian, English)
Official and institutional links
Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for the handling and marketing permits of novel foods (incl. genetically modified food), for the issue of permits for use of seeds and plant propagating material, fertilizers, feedingstuffs and for the issue of permits for conducting animal experiments.
Ministry of Environment is responsible for deliberate release of genetically modified organisms into the environment and the issue of marketing permits of products composed of or containing genetically modified organisms.
Ministry of Social Affairs is responsible for the issue of permits for contained use of genetically modified microorganisms.
The committee of novel food (in the Ministry of Agriculture) performs risk analysis of the products derived from genetically modified organisms.
The committee of gene technology (in the Ministry of the Environment) counsels the government in the issues of gene technology:
– the deliberate release of GMO-s (including genetically modified novel food, genetically modified seeds, fertilizers and animal feedingstuffs) into the environment;
– the marketing of products composed of or containing GMO-s (including genetically modified novel food, genetically modified seeds, fertilizers and animal feedingstuffs),
– the issues related to conducting animal experiments with genetically modified animals, the issues of contained use of genetically modified microorganisms.