Thursday 6th September
Venue: Representation of the Land Rhineland-Palatinate
Preliminary Programme: Official Conference
Conference language: English
18:30 Reception
- Welcome and introduction Ulrike Höfken
- The European GMO-Free Regions Network Beatrix Tappeser
- Personal introduction of participants Benny Haerlin
Friday 7th September
Venue: Representation of Hessen in Berlin
Preliminary Programme: Official Conference
Conference language: English
8:30 Arrival of participants / welcome coffee
9:00 Plenary: Science Tanja Busse
- Opening Beatrix Tappeser Germany
- New Genetic Engineering Techniques/State of Environmental Risk Assessment Margret Engelhard Germany
- The historic picture Ignacio Chapela USA
- Discussion
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Plenary: Politics and Law Tanja Busse
- European GMO-Free Market VLOG Alexander Hissting Germany
- Region of Upper-Austria Rudi Anschober Austria
- Basque Region Luis Elizondo Spain
- Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Theodoros A. Markopoulos Greece
- Region Marche Roberto Gatto, Agri-Food Policy Service Italy
- NGO-Perspective IFOAM EU Pauline Verrière Belgium
- NGO-Perspective Friend of the Earth Europe Mute Schimpf Belgium
- North American Perspective Canadian Biotechnology Action Network Lucy Sharratt Canada
- Indian Perspective Jatan Trust Kapil Shah India
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Working Group Session
- Seed Strategy Gebhard Rosmanith, Benny Haerlin
- EU protein strategy Ursula Bittner, Rudi Anschober
- Non-GMO labelling Heike Moldenhauer, Florian Faber
- New technologies science / Gene drives and global context Margret Engelhard, Astrid Brandt, Jack A. Heinemann
- EU legal situation Eric Gall, Juliette Leroux
15:15 Coffee break
15:30 Plenary: Business perspectives Tanja Busse
- Retailer perspective Florian Schütze, Lidl Germany
- Production chain perspective Ursula Bittner, Danube Soja Austria
- Organic sector perspective Felix Löwenstein Germany
- Conventional Farmers perspective Udo Hemmerling Germany
- Seed producers perspective Gebhard Rossmanith Germany
- Discussion
17:00 Conclusions & Perspectives Tanja Busse
- Resolution on Gene Drives: Discussion and adoption Beatrix Tappeser
- A global agricultural agenda Hans Herren CH/US
Conclusion and farewell Beatrix Tappeser
18:00 Dinner Reception