Workshop B4: Food from cloned and transgenic animals

Saturday, 25th April 2009
09.00 – 11.30h

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Chair and moderator:

  • Susanne Gura, author of studies on livestock and aquaculture genetics industry


  1. Marek Kryda, Animal Welfare Institute Poland
  2. Samuel Camenzind (M A UZH), Foundation for the Animal in the Law, Switzerland
    Presentation: State of the art of cloning, animal welfare & legal situation (pdf, 65 KB, English/German)


To review the research and policy situation on GMO and cloned animals; inform on and discuss the new US FDA Guidance on GMO animals; Biosafety issues; Concentration and market domination of the multi-species genetics industry; Contract farming; Animal welfare issues; To discuss potential and limitation of extensive farming and consumer action.


  1. Introduction of participants

  2. Introduction into the topic by Susanne Gura, author of studies on corporate market domination in livestock and aquaculture, incl. US FDA Guidelines on GMO animals.
  3. Marek Kryda, Poland: Power of livestock corporations in Poland, contract farming and the link between factory farming and GMO crop production in South America.
  4. Samuel Camenzind: State of the art of cloning, legal situation in Switzerland, ethical aspects
  5. Contributions of other participants active in the field 
  6. Discussion: What can be done, how could we collaborate
  7. Proposals for the final declaration.

Background and literature:

  • Food and Water Watch (2008):The Trouble With Smithfield: A Corporate Profile,
  • On contract farming: Contract Farming: Problems, Prospects and its Effect on Income and Employment, KUMAR and KUMAR, Agricultural Economics Research Review and
  • Susanne Gura (2008): Concentration in the livestock genetics industry. Presentation at NCCR Trade Regulation IP-9 Workshop “Animal Breeding, Innovation, Trade and Proprietary Rights” World Trade Institute, Berne, 27-28 November 2008 
  • Susanne Gura (2008): Industrial livestock production and its impact on smallholders in developing countries. Consultancy report to the League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development (, Germany
  • Anita Idel, Science oder Fiction? 25 Jahre Klonforschung an Tieren – aktueller Stand und Perspektiven. In Kritischer Agrarbericht 2009
  • Susanne Gura (2008): Livestock: Contracted in Global Value Chains. Exploitation of producers instead of “win-win” World Economy and Development 3/May-Jun 2008 (also in German)
  • Susanne Gura (2007): Das Tierzucht-Monopoly.
  • Susanne Gura, Corporate livestock farming: A threat to global food security, Third World Resurgence, No. 223