Workshop B4: Food from cloned and transgenic animals
Saturday, 25th April 2009
09.00 – 11.30h

Chair and moderator:
- Susanne Gura, author of studies on livestock and aquaculture genetics industry
- Marek Kryda, Animal Welfare Institute Poland
- Samuel Camenzind (M A UZH), Foundation for the Animal in the Law, Switzerland
Presentation: State of the art of cloning, animal welfare & legal situation (pdf, 65 KB, English/German)
To review the research and policy situation on GMO and cloned animals; inform on and discuss the new US FDA Guidance on GMO animals; Biosafety issues; Concentration and market domination of the multi-species genetics industry; Contract farming; Animal welfare issues; To discuss potential and limitation of extensive farming and consumer action.
- Introduction of participants
- Introduction into the topic by Susanne Gura, author of studies on corporate market domination in livestock and aquaculture, incl. US FDA Guidelines on GMO animals.
- Marek Kryda, Poland: Power of livestock corporations in Poland, contract farming and the link between factory farming and GMO crop production in South America.
- Samuel Camenzind: State of the art of cloning, legal situation in Switzerland, ethical aspects
- Contributions of other participants active in the field
- Discussion: What can be done, how could we collaborate
- Proposals for the final declaration.
Background and literature:
- Food and Water Watch (2008):The Trouble With Smithfield: A Corporate Profile,
- On contract farming: Contract Farming: Problems, Prospects and its Effect on Income and Employment, KUMAR and KUMAR, Agricultural Economics Research Review and
- Susanne Gura (2008): Concentration in the livestock genetics industry. Presentation at NCCR Trade Regulation IP-9 Workshop “Animal Breeding, Innovation, Trade and Proprietary Rights” World Trade Institute, Berne, 27-28 November 2008
- Susanne Gura (2008): Industrial livestock production and its impact on smallholders in developing countries. Consultancy report to the League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development (, Germany
- Anita Idel, Science oder Fiction? 25 Jahre Klonforschung an Tieren – aktueller Stand und Perspektiven. In Kritischer Agrarbericht 2009
- Susanne Gura (2008): Livestock: Contracted in Global Value Chains. Exploitation of producers instead of “win-win” World Economy and Development 3/May-Jun 2008 (also in German)
- Susanne Gura (2007): Das Tierzucht-Monopoly.
- Susanne Gura, Corporate livestock farming: A threat to global food security, Third World Resurgence, No. 223