Conference 2009

At the 5th European Conference on GMO-Free Regions “Food & Democracy” in Lucerne (Switzerland) from 24th to 25th April 2009 250 representatives from 28 European countries were welcomed by the Speaker of the Swiss national Parliament, the ministers of agriculture of Austria, Scottland and the Czech republic, which presently holds the EU presidency as well as the president of Swiss farmers and many other representatives (see programme).

When given the choice, people renounce genetically “enhanced” food. When they are given a say, they choose a form of agriculture that works with nature, and without manipulation.


In Switzerland, we are rightly proud that the population has a democratic say in these important questions. For this reason, it was a particular pleasure for us to host the 5th international Conference of GMO-Free Regions in Europe. 

250 participants from 39 countries joined interesting discussions on topics such as: 

  • strategies to facilitate citizen participate in European decision-making
  • solutions for sustainable agriculture
  • moratoriums on GMOs in other European countries.

Read also the Declaration of Warsaw adopted by the 300 participants of the 4th Organic Marketing Forum on 26th May 2009 : GMO Moratorium: Save the future for Europe.