
In 1999, European NGOs and concerned scientists met in Brussels to discuss about how to prevent an uncontrolled contamination of fields and seeds in Europe with genetically modified organisms (GMO). For the first time, commercial cultivation of GMOs seemed to become an option also within the European Union.

Inspired by the nuclear-free zone movement, the idea to spread GMO-free zones and regions, declared by citizens and their local and regional governments, started to sprout. After several discussions and small meetings, NGOs and the concerned scientists met in 2003 in Vienna, for the first GMO-Free-Zones strategy meeting.

Since then, the GMO-Free-Regions movement continued to grow. What had started as an European movement spread beyond the continent. At our meetings today, participants from Japan and Korea, from Australia and New Zealand, Africa and the Americas are welcome guests and speakers.

The regular conferences (usually every 2 years) are made possible by co-organisers, supporters and participants. See the list of past conferences here.