Since the first genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were approved for cultivation in Europe, GMO-FREE EUROPE conferences have brought together farmers, activists, politicians, entrepreneurs and scientists.

Since 2003, we have successfully coordinated resistance to the release of GMOs into the environment and exchanged information and experiences. We defend our right to farm and produce food without genetic engineering for the sake of the protection of biodiversity, freedom of choice and our regional sovereignty.

In 2023, the European Commission proposed to deregulate the authorisation and deliberate release of new GMOs into the environment. Without risk assessment, labelling and traceability, they would be impossible to control or avoid. We are firmly opposed to such deregulation in an era of rapidly expanding technical possibilities for so-called gene editing.

We defend GMO-free agriculture and food production and seek to work with like-minded partners around the world.

Conference banner
Conference 2023

10th GMO-Free Europe Conference

More than 200 representatives from European national and regional governments, municipalities, farmer’s, food and environmental NGOs, science and business people met live and online at the European Parliament to discuss the EU Commissions proposal to deregulate the Unions legislation on genetic engineering in food and agriculture.

Their unanimous verdict: This proposal is unacceptable. It was scientifically flawed and intentionally misleading about the scope and risks of GMOs, ignoring the majority of European citizens clear demand for transparency and labelling of GM food and feed and opening the gates for even more corporate control of the seed market by imposing patents on their CRISPRed traits and varieties.

Past conferences

2022 | GMO Free Europe Event

On November 17th 100 participants from Europe met in the European Parliament and another 150 participants from around world joined online the 2022 GMO Free Europe event. They discussed plans of the European Commission to deregulate certain applications of genetic engineering and call them "gene edited" instead of GMO.
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2018 conference overview

2018 | GMO Free Europe Conference

9th GMO Free Europe Conference Berlin More than 200 participants from GMO Free Regions throughout Europe, as well as guests from North-America, Asia, New Zealand and Africa (35 nations in total) met in Berlin to discuss new an old challenges of genetic engineering in agriculture as well as the environment at large. They were relieved […]
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Ten years after: GMO-FREE EUROPE 2015 in Berlin “Our Land, our Future, our Europe -The regions of Europe have the right to determine their own ways of farming, eating, producing and selling food and of protecting their environment and landscapes, their culture and heritage, their seed, their rural development, their economic future. This includes the […]
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How do countries around the world work with GMOs

There are many active organisations in Europe and in the world that are working for GMO-free agriculture and food production. Click through to view more country information.
